Born in Istanbul in 1978, Ali Alışır started his graphic education in 1996 upon being awarded a success scholarship by the Faculty of Fine Arts of Yeditepe University. He studied his master degree in photography at Florence Accademia Italiana. He concentrated in digital editing during his master degree education. Through his exhibitions of "Virtual Bodies", "Virtual Places", "Virtual Wars" and "Virtual Landscapes" held between 2009-2015, Ali Alışır, has exhibited the desperation and helplessness, experienced by the individuals under the image bombardment, as well as the virtual and artificial worlds, created against such bombardment. In his exhibitions of "Cosmos" and "Hybrid Souls" held after 2016, Ali Alışır pays attention to the stress experienced by humans, who try to stand in balance despite of the complexity of the modern life and the corrosiveness of the time spent rapidly, in their inner world.
The artist, who aims to emphasize the conflicts and mental state of the human in their inner world by means of body movements, examines the social problems in different disciplines such as philosophy, sociology, literature and cinema through the works he has produced by means of digital interventions, and he brings up such problems to the agenda, and also, he warns about an alternative “Space” with new image editing he has produced. Ali Alışır’s works are exhibited on many private and foreign collections including Istanbul Modern Art Museum, Presidential Palace of the Republic of Turkey and 94 embassies.